Chapter 1- Passive Income with affiliate marketing program

What is the passive income?

It’s the income that you would not have to spend your manual labor – It’s the benefit that is earned from your own assets such as: music’s copyrights, patent, real estate, etc…

In opposite, the active income is what you get paid by your spending of labor, time, knowledge…

So, the passive income is not the natural benefit without any your concerns. You still have to manage and decide the potential business to invest your money for the benefit. This can positively train your capabilities such as analyzing, definition, evaluation as well as making the right decision for your investment.

Passive income is not 100% safe as we usually suppose or aware from the hype ads. It has its own risks.

So, a raised question: What are the right time and right person to invest for passive income?

The answers still stay remains uncertain!

Even you did gain the success and became a rich person in your life or you are just only an entrepreneur, you still have chance to get benefit from the passive income.

In sometimes, it’s rather difficult to distinguish the income from “passive” or “active”. Thus, the affiliate marketing program which I am explaining as follows is a typical instance.

The next question: is it difficult to get you involved?

Yes, it’s

Just in case you invest to the business fields that you don’t comprehend, it should be so risky or losing.

You’ll never know how to get the benefit from the passive income if you just stay idling.

This walk-through may be useful to instruct you earning the passive income with the safe, stable method and moreover, your confident would be inspired along with many feelings – that is the Affiliate marketing program.

The model of affiliate marketing – what is affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is online sales method, almost like to the sales collaborator. You register with the supplier as a role of sales collaborator to promote their items for earning the commission from your sales.

In accordance with this model, the active income comes from your efforts of promotion and advertisement – somehow for earning the commission. However if your online sales system is run efficiently, you may be even earned the passive income while you are in a good sleep, entertainment or travelling.

For an example: once you registered and approved to be the member of website , an unique url (link) will be automatically generated to assign only for you. With this identified url, you promote it on the Internet cyberspace and then, if an Internet’s user click on your url that leads to the purchasing action, you are earning the commission. Upon each type of the sales item and the promotion campaign, the commission rates are various and regularly in range from 30 – 40%.

Very important notes: you should train your skills of sales, promotion and advertisement. If above skills are well-trained, it’s almost enable you to sell anything if you want. Once you have reached to that tier, every company should welcome you as a sales partner.

Sale should be considered as a safest job at least to you. With the competent sales skill, you would never fear the jobless or dependant circumstances. Or frankly, the prosperous is very very near at beside you.

Many companies would welcome you. They spread the red carpet and compete to get you in team. They all wish that you would slap to their faces: “Hey, let me sell your items, I would thrust your sales up to hundred times.”

C’est la vie!

Affiliate marketing is certainly not the only business model and number 1 but it’s really an amazing startup for your earning; to avoid the potential risks caused by your innocent experiences and especially, you might explore the top sales skills that is undisclosed behind the curtain.

Why is it said “Affiliate marketing is not the number 1 among the sales model”. I’d like to explain on the next chapters.

The perfection that comes from the Affiliate marketing

The most interests: earning without cost or customer-care efforts.

There are many Affiliate networks – they are all the partner of the huge companies or brands. It only requires you to register and pick their items or services at your favor.

You probably earn a lot of money!

You are so confused and encounter the deadlock in research of MMO (making-money-online)

There are so many people who earn the thousands dollars per month. In Vietnam, I know some people who could earn 500 million VND – 1 billion VND per month. However, those people are all the Experts in their field and experienced many ups-and-downs. You should downsize your target firstly and in accordance with my instructions, you may earn enough to blow up your mind and change your life-conditions.

Is it difficult?

It’s not an easy question to answer.

Someones say it’s difficult but you…

Someones says it’s easy but you…..

No pain no gain – it’s also true in doing the business. If you have enough determination and resillence, it becomes so easy. It’s not required you to be a genius or knowledge basis as same as you don’t need to be an architect to build a new house or a technician for fixing the machine…

Working at your will

The most amazing thing is that you can go for travel at anytime without any concerns of your duty. At the meanwhile, the monies are still pouring into your account and it’s not a surreal perspective – it’s a fact that is happen to me and the others.

While I am typing this article by my lap, the money is still pouring into my bank account from the various platforms which I recently created. If my blog’s articles are attracted more views from the users, I’ll earn more incomes from the Google Ads – it’s so called Passive Income.

The headache of enterprise’s management is now left at behind.

There are the countless complicated things which should be managed and processed by the enterprise’s owners such as: product development, product processing, HR, logistics, transportation, after-sales, customer cares, accountant and financial…

You can cooperate with the hundred suppliers to promote their variety of products and after that, let’s wait and see.

Once the orders which are led from your source are placed, the employees of those suppliers will takes in charges to complete.

Likewise, your order is executed by the hundred employees of the company.

But indeed, you manage this system without any cent of cost.

It’s worth to be proud and really amazing, isn’t it?

You could sell to the million customers at a same time.

You promote your item to the billions people around the world without on-site visiting effort; you don’t have to talk with customers via phone calls or spending hours and hours to convince for their purchases. The only thing that you should do is creating the contents to promote the items on your website or simply put your contents on a 3rd party cyberspace platform. Your contents might be exposed to the internet’s users – your potential customers and if they are still confused, they may enter to the supplier’s website for seeking the properly consultancy.

The making of attractive content, the method to engage more and more buyes and the skill of content’s creation, advertisment’s creation…will be explained in further on the chapter: The necessary skills of Affiliate marketing for the beginner.

You can start your own business almost instantly with the minimum cost.

This is the most important advantage to the newly entrepreneurs. You can do your own business with a few thousands VND. It’s seemed unbelievable but it’s real.

I sometimes speech that this business model is free of cost but right here, I have mentioned to a few thousand VND cost. What is the truth?

If you invest systematically firstly, you should pay for your unique domain (web url) and the hosting services; you may spending for the Ads or SEO services somehow to bring your website to top of the search’s results such as on Google. You may refer to this article for finding out more the web domain and hosting.

Just in case you are well enough to create the properly content and confident in your skills, you can start to promote at free of charge on the various social networks.

Besides, if you wanna make more money you should certainly buy the Ads to rapidly expose to the potential customers.

And on the next chapter, we will come through together how to create the properly Ads with Affiliate marketing to generate your first order instantly.

Diversify and spreading the Affiliate marketing model

There are no other platforms that help you spreading its advantages easily like this. It’s a favorite business model to many people. Your options are limitless by thousand of products for promotion or presentation. Moreover even on tomorrow, you can freely switch to the other products without any concerns and risks. Unlike manufacturers or trader, if they wanna launch to sell an item, they have to take many surveys, evaluate the market, logistics, HR or marketing… even changing entire production lines. These things consume the tons of money and resources of the enterprise without counted to the risk of failure that is always at the front door.


If you are the excellent in the various niche markets, it’s un-doubtful that you can recruit a team to work for you. At the meanwhile, you can spend your time to look for the other niche markets.

For an instance, if you are already a star of an Affiliate marketing platform which is focused on the hair-cares products and earning the profit of 100 million VND. To push up more benefit from the conversion, you decide to enter the functional foods market but you don’t have enough resources to engage. Therefore, you will withdraw a part, let’ say 40-60 million VND from your profit of hair-cares market to pay for the ads of functional food products and recruit a team to work for you, training them to do as the same as you recently did to ensure that your profit of hair-cares product market is always growth up and stable. And for now, you already have much available time to conquer the new peak and go on…And on…

No risk…

In accordance with my any article on the topic of Affiliate marketing and once again, I’d like to ensure that you do not have to concern about the cost of running your own system, trading the products, warehouse or logistics…However it’s worth to you for training your needed skills to engage to this business model efficiently. You do your best – the rest will come. If you work hard, you could make more money and if you are lazy or compromise, your profit should be less – frankly!

There are the dozen leverages that help you soar up your success?

Branding leverage

There are many products that allow you to engage in their Affiliate Marketing program. In particular, the famous brands may be easier to you for promotion. However, this also has its two aspects. The famous brand is more competitive, this is also happened even in your team. However, if there are many famous brands on a same affiliate marketing platform, it should be a high prospect or you are ready to build yourself a commodity platform with a niche market.

Human resource leverage

To deploy the Affiliate Marketing model, the dozen sales team of the platform will assist you. When your promoted url is converted to a placed order, their sales team will take in charges to the end and you don’t have to pay any attention or kind of fees. In addition, there are many other employees who will support you such as the webmaster, mentors, content creators, reviewers, media staffs, logistics staffs and orders monitors…. How amazing is that you don’t have to pay for staff’s salary, no responsibility …as they server you free of charges, is it great?

Financial leverage

To operate an Affiliate Marketing portal is not easy. After all, all of these factors must be concerned to the finance and it is the backbone to operate this system. Although you don’t have to pay for anything but, it’s not doubt that there must be many manufacturer, business enterprise and service suppliers in combination together to ensure the smooth operation like in a circle of manufacturing, products preparation, warehouse, staffs, operation, after-care …. never stop… All the expenses will be paid by the supplier.

Technology leverage

Doing business has never been so easy! With only a laptop, the thousands of social networks and forums will accompany with you to engage into the business. You can sit anywhere in this world to do business and even make money while sleeping. Also the technology has helped you take advantage of huge resources from others without losing any effort or money.

The passive income

This is the best thing I want to emphasize with you. To promote an item is now extremely simple. As soon as you pick an item, prepare a few contents and platforms to promote, with just a few simple tools, you can fully make it automate 100% by the digital technology platform that you don’t have to do anything anymore.

Right now, my income is still automatically pouring into my account without any my efforts. It was because the promotional system which I have created earlier is running flawlessly and quietly. I will continue to research and build other niche markets to thrust up my income.

At this time, it’s hard for you to earn the millions VND. You need to put lower your goals. But over time, if you are severe to learn, digging in the engagement of business with a serious working attitude, I believe you will be as same as me. You will soon get the high abilities to make money. Always remember that making money with its formula and process, there is no luck here.

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